The MARLAB Marketing Laboratory organized the event for the cutting of New Year’s Cake on Friday, February 17, 2017, with the presence of its members, volunteers and friends. The event was attended by the Deputy Dean, Mr. Iordanis Eleftheriadis, and the President of the Department of Management & Administration and Scientific Member of MARLAB, Mr. Ioannis Chatzidimitriou. The scientific members of MARLAB, Professor Fotis Siokis, Lecturer, Mr. Leonidas Chatzithomas and Mr. Vassilis Gonos attended also the event. By The MARLAB Advisory Committee attended the event, Mr. Kyriakos Pozrikidis (CEO of TIF-HELEXPO) and Ms. Leda Papadopoulou (Owner of EPI DIRECT). Ms. Sofia Panagiotidou (Career Office), Ms. Eleni Mavragani (International Hellenic University), Ms. Stella Sylaiou (University of Western Macedonia), Mr. Iordanis Kotzaivazoglou (TEI Serron) also attended the event as well as the students of the Management of Tourism Businesses and Organizations (MTM).

The MTM postgraduate student, Yiannis Yiannou, was the lucky of the night who won a power bank !!

The biggest surprise of the event was the “Fuschia Martini” who with their music and songs created a unique atmosphere! The “Fuschia Martini” music band is consisted of George Stoupas, Nikos Bratos (students of the Department of ODE, University of Macedonia), George Efstathiou and Haris Boumis (students of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)!