MARLAB Collaborates with Lamaignere, a 3PL Company in Spain (August 1, 2019)

Lamaignere will work with MarLab Marketing Laboratory in developing a market study in order to boost “D.I.C.”

Through the 4Helix + Lamaignere has agreed with MarLab Marketing Laboratory to carry out a deep and specific market study to improve the value proposition of its services, as well as to detect the needs of the sector niches which we offer a high added value in addition to having an analysis of our strategy markets.
The mission of MarLab is to leverage the knowledge and expertise of the University of Macedonia and affiliated faculty to help marketing executives solve marketing issues their companies face. MarLab connects the University of Macedonia faculty located in Greece, researchers and professionals around the world to study the impact of societal, economic and technological changes on the role of marketing and its practices.

How have we agreed this project?

MarLab as a creative industry company and Lamaignere as a blue economy company have been jointly exposed in the 4Helix + project that seeks to stimulate, train and finance innovation within the Blue Growth sectors in the Mediterranean area (MED). In other words, improving the competitiveness of the logistics-port environment of the countries of the Mediterranean and Southern Europe.
Some months ago, Lamaignere was introduced with the presentation of Jesús Morán met with MarLab in the Chamber of Commerce of Seville to define the first details of the project, and the idea is to start in September. The timing for this project us until november,
Lamaignere went last 23th to the institutional headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce of Seville to officially be recognized as one of the beneficiary companies of this project.
Undoubtedly, this project represents a great opportunity for Lamaignere to boost Digitalization, being able to have a survey of its most important clients, to drive Internationalization by detecting opportunities in their countries and, of course, the Consolidation of the business. In short, from our D.I.C.