The Grow Greek Tourism Online seminar organized by the MARLAB Marketing Lab in collaboration with Google on Friday, March 3, 2017 was a great success! More than 350 people attended the seminar in the “ALEXANDROS” Hall of S.K. “I. Vellidis”. Among them were the postgraduate students of Tourism Business and Organizations Management and International Business Activities Master programs and the Undergraduate Students in e-Marketing as well as other postgraduate students. Also, the seminar attended many students of the Journalism and Communication & Tourism and Media courses of the Department of Journalism and Mass Media of AUTH!!
MARLAB volunteers helped organize the seminar and received many congratulations from Google executives for their consistency, professionalism and effectiveness. Well done to everyone!! Specifically, the volunteers who helped with the event were: Yatra Paraskevi, Kaltsiki Athena (photographer), Christesasvili Lazaros, Kotsokehagia Maria, Koufonidou Eleni, Muska Diana, Skora Eva and Halkias Elias.

The Director of the MARLAB Marketing Laboratory and Associate Professor Ms. Rodoula Tsiotsou and Google Instructor Mr. Alexander Kossivas at the opening of the seminar.